Colin Powell Endorses Barack Obama

Longtime Republican Colin Powell Endorses Barack Obama

Colin Powell announced his endorsement of Barack Obama on Meet The Press on Sunday, October 19, 2008. Some say that Powell was trying to be more pragmatic, but it has long been known that Colin Powell is a very moderate Republican.

Powell has long been a respected figure in the Republican Party, but due to his moderate nature, and rumors that have been swirling around for months, his endorsement of Obama is not a surprise to many.

I respect Colin Powell. He is a capable speaker, an intelligent politician, and a man of honor. I respect his choice, though I disagree with it, and feel that with this choice he has made a grievous error in judgement.

I don’t believe that Powell’s decision to endorse Barack Obama is a poor one because McCain is an exceptional candidate, because he is not. I believe that Powell’s decision to endorse Obama is a poor decision because Obama is such an exceptionally bad candidate.

All of the questions regarding Obama’s character, honesty, and integrity aside, Obama’s positions are hardly ones you’d think Powell would be on board with. Colin Powell is pro-choice, and is quite moderate on many of the social issues, but just the fact that Obama’s entire platform was launched on “I was against the war from the beginning” while Powell was an instrumental part in determining that there were weapons of mass destruction and that the invasion of Iraq was necessary, creates an aura of confusion around Powell’s decision to endorse Obama.

Rush Limbaugh declared today that the decision is all about race. That may have perhaps played a role, but I am taking Powell’s word to be true when he said that the pick of Sarah Palin is what affected his choice.

Bill Handel, a local Los Angeles radio host on KFI radio, says that the only reason he is voting for Obama is because of Sarah Palin as well. Had McCain picked someone like Liebermann, then Handel says he’d be voting for McCain.

Specifically, Handel said that Sarah Palin scares him because she is a “far rightwing nut who wants to reverse Roe v. Wade, and believes dinosaurs roamed the Earth six thousand years ago.”

Roe v. Wade cannot be “reversed,” because the Federal Government legalizing abortion is unconstitutional in the first place. Roe v. Wade should be “eliminated,” and the issue then needs to go to the states. It is a state issue, not a Federal issue.

But that aside, the fact that Palin is an Evangelical Christian is what is making these people nervous, as if putting a Christian in the White House will suddenly turn the United States of America into a theocracy, or something.

Are you kidding me? Are moderates and liberals that stupid? There has been a heavy Christian influence in this nation for 230 years, and it is hardly a theocracy, yet some little governor of Alaska is capable of making the nation swing in that direction?

My favorite argument, though, is when the liberal left proclaims that Palin’s religious beliefs are fringe, and that “her brand of Christianity” is outside the mainstream. Evangelicals represent the largest Christian block outside of the Catholic Church in the U.S., and the belief system taught agrees with almost all of the non-Catholic and Protestant religions when considering the basic biblical message. How is that fringe? How is that outside the mainstream?

Lastly, it amazes me that there is so much grief about Sarah Palin’s lack of experience, and her religious views, when Obama, who is at the top of the ticket, has less experience than Palin, and followed for twenty years a fringe religious doctrine, Black Liberation Theology. Why is it that he gets a pass (and remember, he’s at the top of the Democratic Ticket), and Sarah Palin is under much more scrutiny?

Perhaps Colin Powell’s decision, like a large number of Americans, was strongly affected by the lopsided reporting of the mainstream media.

Published in: on October 21, 2008 at 3:58 am  Comments (1)  

I Am A Conservative

I am a Conservative, rather than a Republican, because I believe that innocent lives should be saved, and guilty, murderous lives should be removed from society; I am a Conservative because war is horrid – but has been necessary to create America, end slavery, and stop genocide; I am a Conservative because success should be congratulated, not punished with Marxist redistribution of wealth; I am a Conservative because I understand that the criminal element prefers their victims to be unarmed, and I refuse to be one of those victims; I am a Conservative because I believe the founding fathers knew what they were doing when they created this nation, and like them I am willing to do whatever it takes to preserve liberty; I am a Conservative because I believe we should be good stewards of our environment, but not to the point of extremism such as is exhibited by today’s radical eco-terrorists and environmental movement; I am a Conservative because I believe Global Warming was once happening, but because of the natural cycles of the planet, not mankind, I am a Conservative because I believe that health care is an individual’s responsibility and the creation of insurance companies in the first place is what ruined the system; I am a Conservative because I believe economies are dependent upon job creation and the movement of products, which is caused by profitable business, not government checks; I am a Conservative because I understand that lower taxes creates growth, and growth creates jobs, I am a Conservative because I recognize that a strong central government is prone to corruption, and has a tendency to be tyrannical; I am a Conservative because I believe my politics must reflect my morals, and my morals do not condone the murder of the unborn, the betrayal of the sanctity of marriage, nor the degradation of society into a Godless Marxist system; I am a Conservative because our unalienable rights have been given to us by the Creator, and no government has the right to take away those freedoms; And lastly, I am a Conservative because I believe we as a nation must return to the U.S. Constitution or our prosperity and exceptionalism as a nation will be at risk.

Published in: on October 21, 2008 at 3:37 am  Leave a Comment  

Obama and Taxes

$3,000 Tax Credit From Obama if you hire an employee. . .

Obama has never run a business before. It is obvious that he has never run anything when he made the statement (a few times, now) that during his presidency he will give businesses a $3,000 tax credit for hiring a new full-time worker.

In addition to the wages, there is an astronomical cost of hiring an employee. The additional cost of full-time employees, including worker’s comp, social security, health care, equipment, records, etc – – – is much more than $3,000 – – – and that is per year. Here in California that amount is often between $8,000 and $12,000 per employee, in addition to their wages.

It takes profit to hire employees. Problem is, Obama wants to take that profit and “share the wealth” by redistributing it to people who don’t work. No employer in their right mind is going to hire an employee that costs them $8K to $12K just so they can receive a $3,000 tax credit.

Who in their right mind wants to stifle success and profit during an economic downturn? Shouldn’t we be helping businesses be more successful so that more goods enter the market (which based on supply and demand will drop prices), and so that more jobs are created?

Obama, you want to give small businesses a tax break? Then lower the taxes. Help their bottom line. Encourage profit and success.

Obama is all about raising taxes. He has to. His spending plan demands it. First, if elected, Obama will allow the Bush Tax Cuts to expire (Tax increase right off the bat!!!). Then, if you die and want to leave something to your posterity, his estate tax (death tax) will make it so that the legacy you wished to leave behind will have to be sold by your children so that they can pay the taxes on it. Of course, your retirement money won’t help either. Obama’s capital gains tax will eat up a large chunk of that. Then he plans to increase the taxes of the most successful corporations. To cover that cost the companies will then raise prices and let go of employees. Yeah, Barry, great idea during an economic downturn.

He says you grow an economy from the bottom up.

The bottom has nothing to offer. It is the top that creates jobs and moves products. Then, when that happens, the bottom can benefit from it with a job, and goods to buy.

Damn, Obama is one backwards son of a. . .

Published in: on October 17, 2008 at 2:55 am  Leave a Comment  

Obama’s Wealth Re-Distribution

Obama’s Tax Break For 95% of Americans


How is it that Obama can promise a tax break for 95% of Americans when a third of Americans don’t pay income tax in the first place?

Oh, yeah, that would be Tax Credits (in other words, free money from the government taken from the wealthier of the nation – Translation: Wealth Re-distribution – better known as Marxism).

Published in: on October 16, 2008 at 2:52 am  Comments (1)  

Obama’s Socialist Past

Obama’s Socialist Past

When over the weekend Barack Obama told a Plumber that he plans to “spread the wealth around,” the liberal media hardly took notice. The conservative media, however, picked up on it quick. Spreading the wealth around is the same as Redistribution of Wealth, and that, my friends, is Marxism.

This downplay of Obama’s Socialist Plans by the mainstream media is nothing new. The mainstream media has downplayed Barack Obama’s connection to former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, has chosen not to report on Obama’s past membership in The New Party (A Socialist Organization), Obama’s connection to the radical leftist group ACORN (now being investigated for voter fraud in a number of states), his seedy history in far left Chicago politics, and of course his 96% Leftist voting record.

The mainstream media is so busy trying to examine the GOP ticket, and call anything said about the Obama Campaign “smear tactics,” that they are failing to uncover Obama’s past questionable connections (however, if Obama were a Republican, those connections would be all over the nightly news). In fact, when they are forced to finally come to terms that Obama’s connections are real, they sweep it under the rug, including the connections Obama has with former Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers, contending that Ayers is a “rehabilitated” terrorist whose bombing of the Pentagon and the U.S. Capitol was merely a “youthful indiscretion.” Ayers is hardly reformed, and remains involved in radical circles trying to socialize children into left-wing views as early as kindergarten.

The sooner Obama’s socialist past is unearthed, the sooner the American People will understand what this radical has in store for our country should he be elected. Unfortunately, people are being shielded from the facts, and are instead being exposed to more often than not unreliable and untrue attacks against the McCain/Palin ticket.

Published in: on October 15, 2008 at 2:32 am  Leave a Comment  

Santa Ana Winds Fan The Flames in Southern California

High Winds and the Haze of Smoke From Numerous Fires

Today, as I drove around Southern California, the sky was hazy with the smoke of a number of fires. The Santa Ana winds were blowing about 60 miles per hour. On a freeway overpass I saw a big-rig on its side as I drove my own rig beneath on a westbound freeway. It was the third toppled truck I saw.

Fires from Los Angeles County to San Bernardino to Orange County were burning, and with the high winds, fire crews could only focus on trying to protect structures. When the Santa Ana winds reach such high velocities, any hope of containing a fire is lost until the winds die down. The winds are expected to continue to blow fiercely through tomorrow, possibly Wednesday.

The Los Angeles Times has reported that two have died in the fires.

Published in: on October 14, 2008 at 2:01 am  Leave a Comment  

Behavior and American Society

Behavior Patterns and American Society

Human nature is rebellious. We have selfish impulses within us that often we are blind to, and more often than not we spend a great deal of time trying to justify. People don’t like to be told they are “wrong” or “sinful.” We naturally defend our own actions, and conflict arises as a result.

Conflict arises when we have different systems of convictions or values. There are numerous occasions when we simply conflict because we are operating at a different level of reason. A lot of that understanding of what is right and wrong comes from one’s environment as a child. But just because we were taught something is right or wrong in our youth, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it is.

A logical, reasoning human being, however, regardless of environmental exposures, realizes that sometimes, no matter how much you try to reason differently, there are some things that are absolutely right and wrong.

Worldwide, in any culture (with the exception of a few blood-thirsty cultures), cold-blooded murder is an absolute wrong. Stealing is a behavior not accepted as well. Lying is universally accepted as a bad behavior as well, although in recent decades it is being incrementally accepted in its smallest form (little white lies).

Humanity is a flawed species. No matter how much society tries to convince us that mankind is progressing towards some kind of utopian perfection, we remain a flawed and sinful species. Because of this natural tendency to do the wrong thing we have created boundaries for ourselves. Limits. Laws. That does not mean we need to be treated as if we are a military unit. In a free society, despite our sinful nature, the laws have been set up to protect the innocent, but more often than not bad behavior is not necessarily illegal behavior.

Dishonesty, on the simplest level, is not illegal, and shouldn’t be. It is obviously a bad behavior, and if one lies under oath in court, it can become an illegal activity. There are even people that proclaim they are born liars, and they can’t help themselves. That argument does not make lying an acceptable behavior, and even though in its simplest form there is no penalty of law against lying, lying can bring on consequences that may not be welcomed by the liar. No argument attempting to justify being a liar convinces me that it should be an accepted behavior, that liars should receive civil rights for being liars, or that people who lie cannot choose not to be liars.

By now the more astute reader has realized that I am also alluding to other behaviors – specifically homosexuality.

Though I do not believe that gays wake up one morning and say to themselves, “Hey, I think I will be homosexual,” I do believe it is a chosen behavior.

Some people are born with the tendency to be kleptomaniacs, but they can choose not to steal. Part of the incentive to choose not to steal is that it is an immoral behavior. Same goes for liars, and homosexuals, and any other immoral behavior.

I am sure the people who have become consumed by these behaviors are nice people. I am sure I am friends with people that have become slaves to immoral behavior. We all are capable of immoral behavior. We have, as a species, a sinful nature. But that does not justify the behaviors, however.

What can be especially dangerous in when a behavior begins to justify itself to a point that it begins to trample on the belief systems of others.

In Massachusetts, since the legalization of Gay Marriage in that state, parental consent has been removed in the schools regarding homosexuality. Despite parent’s requests otherwise, teaching the gay lifestyle to be a natural lifestyle in schools has become prevalent.

Recently, in San Francisco, first graders were taken to the San Francisco City Hall for a Gay Wedding.

Could you imagine the outcry if the children had been taken to any other event that promoted an immoral behavior? Were the parents notified of this field trip? Would the school ever have considered taking the kids on a field trip to a traditional wedding?

All past great civilizations like Rome, Greece, Babylon, and so forth, crumbled under the crushing blow of corruption. When one studies these past civilizations, the beginning of the end was when lawlessness and immorality plagued the society. The final blow, the final immorality that appeared before the fall, was homosexuality in each case.

As we turn out backs on the truth of our human nature, and fail to continue to recognize that we are naturally as a species rebellious, and have selfish impulses within us, we are watching our own society crumble. Crime rates have risen, we have begun to murder our unborn and call it a “choice” to somehow justify it, and a culture of sex has permeated our society to the point that there is nowhere to turn to escape it. As a society we have become blind to what is right and wrong, and we are justifying our immoral tendencies with legislation and court decisions. We are defending our immoral actions. And as a result, our society, and civilization, is incrementally being dismantled, and is moving into the direction of chaos.

The basics of conservatism can stop this downward spiral, however. That is one of the reasons this election is so important. It has become a choice. A choice of continuing our drop into becoming an immoral society (and a socialistic one as well), or turning our nation back in the direction of what has enabled us to prosper for over 200 years, and turning our nation back in the direction of what was desired by the founding fathers, and the authors of the U.S. Constitution.

Published in: on October 13, 2008 at 3:18 am  Leave a Comment  

Leftists Despise Palin’s Choice To Give Birth To Baby Trig

The Liberal Left Despises Palin For Not Practicing Eugenics

Many Liberals have told me that they think the only reason I like Sarah Palin so much is because she is an Evangelical Christian. After all, they can’t seem to see any other appealing characteristic regarding her.

If that is the case, then why do they despise her so much?

To answer the “Christian Question,” of course I am happy that a conservative candidate I like is a Christian, but that isn’t a requirement for me, nor is it the only reason I like Palin. The fact that she is a woman has nothing to do with it either, though her gender is not something that would turn me away as a voter either. Some liberals have even hinted that I may like Sarah because since she’s a woman, it’s like a slap in the face to Obama after he rejected Hillary Clinton as his running mate. I know, you liberals always have devious motives, so you figure conservatives must too, but as usual, you are wrong.

The main reason I like her is because she is a conservative, and she practices those same values. Also, she has not been corrupted by Washington. It is interesting how all those Democrats out there are so hungry for change, yet a candidate who is different, not willing to play the same old Washington Politics game, and will definitely be a change in Washington, is so hated by them for exactly that reason. . .

Anyhow, the Liberal Left Despises Sarah Palin for a number of reasons, and I believe that one of those reasons is also because she was willing to give birth to her son, Trig, despite the diagnosis of Down Syndrome.

In fact, she not only gave birth to this child with special needs, but she even said during her acceptance speech and the Republican Convention that if given the privilege of being in the White House, she’d be a “friend and advocate for families of children with special needs.”

You see, this doesn’t sit well with the “Pro-Abortion” Liberal Left. Understand, in America today, 90 percent of all Down Syndrome children are murdered in the womb before they even have a chance at taking their first breath.

This practice stinks of Eugenics. Eugenics is curiously something few people hear about, and is conveniently left out of the history books. This method of “selective breeding” follows the idea that “When good people bone good people, good babies with good genes result.” Question is, who determines who is good and who is bad?

Plato thought the idea would help keep the ruling class in power. . .

Darwinism supporters have held eugenics in high regard. . .

Hitler and the Third Reich began to use it to create a Master Race. . .

American Eugenics early in the last century arose out of Racism and the attempt to eliminate deformities and less perfect humans – At least 60,000 people were involuntarily sterilized for the greater good of eugenics in the United States. . .

Now, in the hope that humanity is somehow “progressing” toward a more perfect state, this type of thinking has surfaced again.

Is this one of the reasons 90 percent of Down Syndrome children die in the womb?

As a teenager, one of my responsibilities I took on for a couple years was being a teaching assistant at a “School for the Mentally Retarded.” Most of the pupils at this school were Down Syndrome, and some were mentally disabled as a result of head trauma. These kids I worked with, in all honesty, were some of the happiest people I have ever been around. They weren’t sorry they were born. They didn’t feel like they were any less human. And it would have been a shame if any of these folks had been executed by their parents before they were born because their parents desired a more “perfect” child. Some of them later also became independent, and lived on their own, holding down jobs to pay their bills!

This is one of the reasons I think that the Liberal Left despises Sarah Palin. She welcomed her Down Syndrome child into the family, calling him a “Blessing.” I think that the left, the ones desiring the advancement of murdering the unborn, and progression towards a more perfect human species (and ultimately a Socialist Utopia), by watching this woman love and care about this “imperfect child,” were forced to look at themselves, and felt as if Sarah Palin, by her loving actions as a caring mother, was rubbing their noses in their own shame.

Well, my friends, for me, that is another reason to like Sarah Palin. Her moral values, and her motherly instinct to love and care for her child, regardless of the stage in life that child may have been, shines through when you view her actions as an individual.

Below is a link to a video of a kid with special needs singing the National Anthem at Boston’s Fenway Park. It was Disability Awareness day at the baseball park and mentally challenged children got VIP treatment.

The young man singing the National Anthem in front of a full stadium got him pretty nervous, and he began to struggle.

Now, did the people say, “Gosh, see how imperfect that child is?” Or did they say that perhaps he’d have been better off if his mother had killed him in the womb because of his challenges? Of course not. The entire stadium came to his rescue, cheering him on, and singing with him to keep him going.


Published in: on October 8, 2008 at 2:17 am  Leave a Comment  

An American Carol Movie Review

An American Carol Movie Review

An American Carol” is a rarety in Hollywood – It is a Conservative Hollywood Comedy – and a movie that Hollywood wanted nothing to do with.

In fact, Hollywood was so upset with the Conservative leanings of the movie, that none of the American Production Companies would touch it, so the filmakers had to find a company outside the U.S. willing to produce it – and found one in France!

The Director and Co-Writer of the film is David Zucker (Airplane, Naked Gun, Scary Movie Franchise). An American Carol is a parody of A Christmas Carol, and the Scrooge that hates America as severely as Scrooge hates Christmas is Michael Malone played by Kevin Farley (a thinner version, but otherwise spitting image of his late comedian brother Chris). The Michael Malone Character is an obvious play on Michael Moore. The character is a slobby documentary filmmaker who’s latest work, “Die, You American Pig,” did not perform as he’d hoped, and his true goal is to make a feature film, of who’s manuscript he carries with him and is titled “Fascist America.” In fact, he is so determined to get it filmed and produced, that he is even willing to take money from Islamic Terrorists for it.

Meanwhile, the Malone character is also caught up in a movement to abolish the Fourth of July as a holiday, a movement he began, and as the movie progresses, begins to regret.

John F. Kennedy pays Malone a visit to warn the baseball cap wearing filmmaker that he will be visited by three spirits who will help him understand the value of America. The Spirits, George S. Patton (Kelsey Grammer), George Washington (Jon Voight), and Death (Trace Adkins), take Michael Malone on a journey through history, the present, and the future in an attempt to show him the importance of America, the importance of fighting for liberty when it is necessary, and the danger of liberalism and appeasement.

The ACLU Lawyers are depicted as Ten Commandment destroying zombies while Dennis Hopper as a judge pulls out his gun to take them down. David Alan Grier and Gary Coleman play slaves in an American Future that occurs because America never fought the Civil War because Lincoln (in this alternate reality) was a pacifist like Neville Chamberlain.

An American Carol was not screened in advance for critics, possibly because the filmmakers knew that the Hollywood Critics would use their Liberal bias to shoot down the movie the best they could – but Political Pistachio blog finds this movie about Michael Moore (I mean: Malone) being visited by the ghosts of Patriotism’s Past, Present, and Future to be a winner, and worth seeing.

Apparently, I am not the only one. The movie opened in the top ten, grossing nearly $4 million – but that is still quite a bit short of its $20 million production budget. However, that is an accomplishment, considering its limited release (of the seven theaters in my area, only one was carrying it). And note that though this movie has its share of slapstick comedy (and some laughs that only “right of center” folks will understand) as it proceeds through the story, the message of American Values, Patriotism, and Support for our Troops is present. In fact, for those that truly do support the troops, some of the scenes near the end of the film may even moisten the eyes.

Note to liberals reading this piece: Don’t give me that “We Support the Troops, Just not the War” crap. Puking out that line is like me saying I am an Angels Baseball fan, but I don’t want them to win the World Series.

I give the movie an enthusiastic high mark, 5 stars, thumbs up, or whatever – But I encourage you to go out and see it in the theater, not only because the theatrical experience enhances the movie, but also so that this movie can earn well, and send a message to Hollywood.

Published in: on October 6, 2008 at 3:54 am  Leave a Comment