American Daily Review bursts on the conservative scene

American Daily Review Gone Gang-Busters

American Daily Review is one of the premiere conservative web magazines on the world wide web. In the two month period since its launch it has already nearly surpassed over 100,000 hits. Notable writers from around the net are joining the site as contributors. War has been declared against the mainstream media, and the conservative alternative known as American Daily Review is on the front line.

In reality, the story behind this up and coming star of the conservative internet brigade began with a few phone calls. John Barnhart, the Executive Director behind American Daily Review asked a few people attached to Conservative Solutions (aka Let’s Get This Right) what they thought about his idea for a new site geared at Christian Conservative Commentary, and a site that would ultimately go to battle against The Daily KOS and Huffington Post. The folks over at Conservative Solutions listened carefully, understood John’s desire to be networked with sites like theirs, yet independent, and his desire to find people with the same talent and fire in their belly as he.

They recommended that John contact me, Douglas V. Gibbs of Political Pistachio.

Our early phone conversations last August began the birthing process of American Daily Review. Slowly, we designed the site, and John became the technical brains behind the outfit. When the site launched January 17, 2009, immediately ADR received a plethora of hits. With the superior content provided by myself, John, and a host of other contributors, the readers began to return for more, and tell their friends.

Now, American Daily Review has become a major force in the battle to return this country to its Conservative roots.

Tonight, live on the Political Pistachio Radio Revolution, John Barnhart, Executive Director of American Daily Review, joins the show to discuss the evolution of American Daily Review, and the issues Conservatives are confronting today as the Liberal Left Democrats dominate our government, and are steering this nation headlong into a socialist mistake.

Join the show live at 7pm Pacific, or catch the archive later: HERE

Published in: on March 23, 2009 at 1:54 am  Leave a Comment  

Israel Moves Into Gaza

Israel Moves Into Gaza with Troops and Tanks

Israel sent thousands of troops, backed by tanks and helicopter gunships, into the Gaza Strip as they lauched a ground offensive in Gaza last night. This action follows a week of airstrikes into Gaza that were aimed at stopping rocket and missile attacks against Israel from the Muslim controlled region. Since 2005, after Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip, relinquishing full control to the Palestinians (and eventually to the terrorist group, Hamas) 6,500 rockets and missiles have been fired into Israel, primarily targeting civilians, killing indescrimitantly.

Hamas, while living up to the “Death To Israel” chant you hear often coming from the lips of Islamists, has used women and children as shields while proclaiming to the world that Israel is in fact the aggressors. Palestinians, and the rest of the Muslim world, continuously remind us that they are committed to Israel’s destruction, will never recognize Israel as a nation, and will never end the violence against the Jewish State; yet the moment Israel responds with military actions against the continuous onslaught of violence against them, the Muslim world (and liberal left media alike) screams out that Israel’s response is an unbelievable display of disproportionate aggression.

You’d think, if you believe what you read in the newspapers and news magazines, or even kind of believe what you hear on the alphabet news channels, that the Palestinian casualties in a few days of Israeli strikes are astronomical when compared to the deaths of Israelis over any period of time, when in reality the constant pounding of Israel by her neighbors has taking its toll – and the toll has become such that Israel has finally taken action.

Could you imagine if Mexico, declaring that the Southwest United States belonged to them (as the Muslims have declared regarding the Jewish lands), decided to start lobbing rockets into San Diego, San Antonio, and Yuma? How long do you think it would take before the United States took action? Would Americans then be crying out once America took action to stop the attacks? Would the U.S. response be seen as disproportionate? Would we sit still if Mexico or Canada suddenly declared that they were committed to our destruction as a nation, and were willing to use any violence necessary to destroy us? Would we stand for even a single attack against our soil? If you are not sure of the answers to those questions, remember how you felt on September 11, 2001 when the Twin Towers fell.

And here is the real kicker. If any nation other than Israel fights a war and loses, that nation simply lost a war. But Israel, surrounded by the enemy, and existing in a world filled with nations that desire their destruction, must win every war – for to Israel, to lose a war is to cease to exist.

Published in: on January 5, 2009 at 12:38 am  Leave a Comment  
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Muslim and Israeli Reaction of Obama Election per Walid Shoebat, Fairness Doctrine per Kenneth Hill, Obama Birth Certificate per U.S. Constitution

Obama Presidency in the Eyes of the Muslims, and Israel; The Coming Fairness Doctrine

Tonight on Political Pistachio Radio after Founding Truth at 7pm Pacific/10pm Eastern: Walid Shoebat, former Palestinian Terrorist, joins us to explain why Muslims are happy about the Obama win, and why Israel is worried. Will we see vitriolic anti-Semitism in America?

And, also tonight, in the second hour of the show: Is the Fairness Doctrine coming? Will we see the sudden rise of an Orwellian America? Truth Squads? Thought Police? Political Censorship? Dr. Kenneth Hill will explain the real threats on the horizon, and how the Fairness Doctrine will open the door for all of them!

Catch it all tonight on the Political Pistachio Revolution – Conservative Commentary

Founding Truth Examines The Constitutional Questions Surrounding the Obama Birth Certificate Debate

Last Sunday on Political Pistachio Radio an explosive episode that has attracted thousands of listeners regarding Obama’s Birth Certificate aired. During that episode, a number of Constitutional questions arose from the relationship of the 14th amendment with Article 2 to who becomes president should Barack Obama be found to be ineligible.

Philip J. Berg’s case is heading to the Supreme Court, and the Obama Camp claims they have a Constitutional argument out of it. Do they? Did the 14th amendment change the meaning of Article 2? If Obama is in fact ineligible, who becomes president? Will there be a special election? What if the decision comes down before January 20th? What if the decision comes down after January 20th?

Tune in to Founding Truth tonight at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern to find out!

After the episode you may also go to Blog Talk Radio for the archive of the show.

The Obsolete Man

Living in the Twilight Zone

Golden Earring’s Chorus for The Twilight Zone goes as follows:

Now I’m steppin’ into the Twilight Zone
This is a madhouse
Feels like being home
My feet they can’t move
Under moon and star
Where am I to go now that I’ve gone too far

Now why, you may ask, am I bringing up that chorus and The Twilight Zone?

I am a huge Twilight Zone fan, catching old episodes whenever I can on the local independent television station. I will not be so arrogant to say that I have caught every episode in my lifetime, but I have seen a great many of them. A couple of nights ago I caught an episode that sent a chill down my spine. The episode of The Twilight Zone was “The Obsolete Man,” with Burgess Meredith (Watch the full episode here). The opening narration is as follows:

You walk into this room at your own risk, because it leads to the future; not a future that will be, but one that might be. This is not a new world: It is simply an extension of what began in the old one. It has patterned itself after every dictator who has ever planted the ripping imprint of a boot on the pages of history since the beginning of time. It has refinements, technological advancements, and a more sophisticated approach to the destruction of human freedom. But like every one of the super states that preceded it, it has one iron rule: Logic is an enemy, and truth is a menace. This is Mr. Romney Wordsworth, in his last forty-eight hours on Earth. He’s a citizen of the State, but will soon have to be eliminated, because he’s built out of flesh and because he has a mind. Mr. Romney Wordsworth, who will draw his last breaths in the Twilight Zone.

The main character, Romney Wordsworth (Burgess Meredith), is a person that has been found to be “obsolete” by The State because he is not needed by society anymore. And because he is guilty of the crime of being obsolete, he is prosecuted by The Chancellor, and is sentenced to death.

In his daily life Mr. Wordsworth is a carpenter. Secretly, he is a librarian, a practice that is punishable by death. Also, he believes in God, another crime punishable by death.

After his sentencing, Wordsworth is given the choice of method of execution. He requests, also, that he be allowed to not disclose his method of death, and for the execution to be broadcast live on television. The requests are honored, and Wordsworth is sentenced.

Note the name of the main character. Romney Wordsworth. Appropriate considering his hobby as a librarian. Also note this daytime occupation: Carpenter. Considering that Mr. Wordsworth in this episode of The Twilight Zone is a man of faith, the connection is obvious. And Mr. Wordsworth spends a large portion of his final moments reading from a Holy Bible which he retrieves from a hiding place (apparently the Bible is illegal as well).

As the episode proceeds, while Wordsworth’s final hours are broadcast live to the nation, the chancellor is invited by Wordsworth to come to his apartment (Wordsworth’s choice location for his death) for a short discussion. What the chancellor does not realize is Wordsworth ensures that the chancellor is locked in the room with him. Then Wordsworth reveals his choice method of execution, and this chosen method is by bomb, a device which has been hidden in the room and is set to go off when the clock reaches midnight.

Wordsworth is calm as death approaches, and his intention is to show the nation how a man of God faces death. As he reads verses from his Bible, he points out that the State will risk losing face by trying to rescue a high-ranking chancellor. As the time winds down, Wordsworth’s calm acceptance of death stands in sharp contrast with the chancellor’s increasing panic, and eventual outburst, “In the name of God, let me out!”

Wordsworth immediately obliges, saying, “Yes, chancellor, In the name of God, I will let you out.”

Wordsworth knows he is not obsolete as he dies. His personal freedom was not taken away from him by the totalitarian state, his faith was not rubbed out by the humanistic secular government. His faith in what was written in his Bible is what keeps him going, and he never becomes fearful as death approaches. As death approaches the main character remains firm in his convictions, while the chancellor who claimed all along to be protected by The State became fearful, and panicked.

In the final scene the chancellor, now stripped of his rank for his outcry to God, and his inability to hide his fear, is put on trial for none other than the crime of being obsolete.

The closing narration of The Obsolete Man is as follows:

The chancellor, the late chancellor, was only partly correct. He was obsolete, but so is the State, the entity he worshipped. Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man, that state is obsolete. A case to be filed under “M” for mankind—in the Twilight Zone.

How chilling is the parallels to today’s society. The liberal left desires that The State (big government) be all things to all people. They encourage dependency upon The State through entitlement programs while squashing faith and self-sufficience. Anything not in agreement with their agenda is suppressed (as Creationism is in academia, how discussions of faith are because the Christian faith refuses to accept homosexuality as a valid lifestyle, Pro-Family books and addresses because they defend the family unit). And as this agenda incrementally advances, eugenics peeks over the horizon, and the liberal left’s own green agendas stands in the way of their own supposed advancements and religion of saving the planet from ourselves.

How chilling is it that today’s society is hell-bent on eliminating God, eliminating faith, and suppressing scriptural teachings and values. The commonalities between The Obsolete Man and the path our society is on is chilling, indeed.

Also note the following: The Obsolete man aired during the second season of The Twilight Zone in 1961, two years before God/prayer was removed from the public school system by Abington Township School District v. Schempp, June 17, 1963, a case brought about by the activism of Madalyn Murray O’Hair, who founded the group American Atheists in 1963.

Hear commentary about this episode of The Twilight Zone on Political Pistachio Radio.

A Military Commitment in the Age of Government Dependency

Honoring Commitments

James Raymond is an honorably discharged veteran that was ordered to Iraq despite disabilities he suffered from his service in Afghanistan. The Leftwing Blogosphere and Leftwing e-mailers went ballistic on this. My cousin immediately sent me an e-mail stating that this kind of suffering and unfair tyrannical military actions are a direct result of Christianity, because if there was no Christianity, there would be no Islam (idiotic, I know but that is what she says). Ballbuster sent me an e-mail saying that if a**holes like me would go fight in this war that “rightwing fanatics,” like me, favor so much, the injured would not have to step back into the “Hell that Bush created.” Tom the Neurotic Liberal Blogger said, “And the f***ers that cheered this on.. and the f***ers that think they deserve an opinion.. and the f***ers that didn’t suit up and risk getting blown to pieces.. can f**k off. The vast majority of the “right wing Loon-o-sphere” sure can type a mean game.. eh?” Wow, now that one is pure idiocy mixed with out-of-control anger . . . perhaps he needs to be lying on a couch explaining himself to a shrink.

Stating that people have no business supporting a war effort without joining the military is like arguing that people don’t have a right to be against illegal immigration if they never served as a Border Patrol Agent, or that I have no business supporting a politician if I’ve never been in politics. That argument by the left is pure lunacy, and proof that rather than argue the issue, they would rather go into a finger pointing, name calling fit.

As for the article about James Raymond, there may be an error in the article. The article states that the “Department of Veteran’s Affairs determined that he was 10 percent disabled, enabling him to receive $120 a month for the rest of his life.” In the world of military medical separation, the original percentage is determined by the military branch that the service member was discharged from, and then the service member can request a re-evaluation with VA once they are discharged in the hopes of raising the percentage. For example, when I was medically separated, the U.S. Navy originally determined I was a 20% disability, but after a re-evaluation, Veteran’s Affairs determined that I was a 30% disability. This leads us into the “receiving a check for the rest of his life” thing. If Mr. Raymond is only at a 10 percent disability, then the military would have provided him with a severance package, rather than a monthly award because any disability at less than 30% does not warrant a monthly amount of money. If this rule has changed, I am not aware of it, but as far as I know, that is still the rules regarding military separation. It is possible that he was discharged with a 0% disability rating from the military, and was only able to get the Veteran’s Administration to raise it to 10%, but even then, it would not result in him receiving a monthly check. So, with an error like this in the article, I wonder how many other untruths there are in it.

As the article in the Buffalo News explains, in addition to a service member’s active duty commitment, there is a four year inactive reserve commitment in effect after a service member separates. Any disability that is less than 30% normally does not exempt a veteran from being later deployed during this period of Inactive Reserve. I learned quite a lot about this when I looked into re-entering the military service after the act of war against the United States on 9/11/2001, but because of my percentage, I am undeployable, therefore, unfit to serve.

One of the reasons James Raymond does not want to re-deploy, aside from having to drop his current life into a holding pattern, according to the article in the Buffalo News, is because he is not sure his knee will hold up. If that is the case, when he undergoes the medical evaluation (which will be mandatory) before deployment, and if the military medical staff determines his knee is unstable enough, then they will cancel his redeployment.

I understand the injuries that Raymond have incurred. I am deaf in my left ear, as is Mr. Raymond, and I have tinnitus (constant ringing in that ear) that is sometimes so loud I can’t hear what people are saying in my other, still functioning, ear. And, like James Raymond, I have a damaged knee, one that the doctor’s seriously wondered whether I would ever be able to use again. I was in a wheel chair, and graduated to a cane (twice), until I was finally able to walk fairly well, as I do now, with occasional bouts of pain that cause a visible limp. In addition to that, I incurred various other injuries during my time as a sailor, enough, apparently, to make me undeployable.

I believe I was “low-balled” on my disability rating, but never fought for an even higher percentage for a number of reasons, one being that I figure those monies would be better spent on a veteran with more severe injuries than myself. I have also had two doctors recommend that I go on permanent government disability, but I have refused that as well, figuring as long as I can stand, I can work. Perhaps James Raymond was low-balled as well. Perhaps his injuries demand more than a ten percent rating. But when I consider my disabilities, and then consider what I read about James Raymond’s, I wonder. I am ready to return to service (or course it would be amidst objections by my wife) if ever they were willing to take me. But he, with less disability than myself, is crying foul.

When James Raymond, like all other people who enter the U.S. Military, took that oath to defend this nation, he signed a contract. The contract included the inactive reserve period that he is now a part of. It is his obligation to fulfill the contract he signed. Or does the liberal left not place importance on contracts anymore?

Perhaps this is just more evidence of our Society of Dependency. Don’t get me wrong, I understand that there are those cases where there are people that find it very difficult to fully participate in the rights that the Creator has endowed them. I recognize that there are some Americans that find themselves in such situations due to no fault of their own. These cases are rare, however, and should not dictate the direction of our society. The current societal trend is to create dependency through a welfare state that perpetuates poverty. There are no rewards for getting people off of federal programs and no rewards for getting people back into the community with full-time jobs and independent lives. As a result of this welfare society that has been created, originally by Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s unconstitutional “New Deal” which actually failed seven years after it had been originally put into place, and only succeeded because of the industry created by World War II, not because of his “socialized” government programs, our poorest neighborhoods are more violent and drug-infested, and the remainder of society has begun to believe that somehow the government owes them something. This “What can I get out of government” attitude is most apparent in stories we come across about people who take the “dependency” approach to life.

To illustrate this, I wish to discuss to situations. The first is about the disability pension abuse by the California Highway Patrol which reports that nearly 10 percent of the CHP budget goes to workplace injury complaints. Among the top ranking members of the CHP, more than 80 percent file for disability pensions, and the evidence is showing that most of these are fraudulent, and they are often simply being used as mere entitlement while the recipients pursue other careers.

In contrast to that “What can I get out of government” approach to life, there is the story of a paratrooper named George Perez, who, after losing his leg in Iraq, re-enlisted and in order to be able to serve again he undertook a tireless regimen to rebuild his body so that he could rejoin his regiment in Afghanistan. He was quoted as saying, “I’m not ready to get out yet. I’m not going to let this little injury stop me. . .”

In the end, the article in the Buffalo News is not about poor James Raymond who must place his life on hold, and go out on the battlefield with a bum ear and a less-than-100% knee. This article in the Buffalo News was not written with Mr. Raymond’s horrible plight in mind. The article was written with an anti-military fervor attached to it. It was designed to encourage pity for the poor soldier because of the horrendous mistreatment by the “big, bad” military. It uses comments like “…drop my life,” that it had been originally explained to him “. . . unless World War III breaks out, your name is never going to be called,” “He was expecting a normal life,” “He can’t understand how the government can send him checks for being disabled one day and then ask him to fight in a war the next,” he “hasn’t been able to quit smoking, a habit he picked up in the military,” and that he is being “forced to join a unit with which he has no history.”

The techniques worked, apparently, for my cousin, Ballbuster, and Tom all fell for the B.S. lock, drop, and barrel.

Oh, and my responses to those attempts at gaining pity by the Buffalo News article, and James Raymond? – – – Drop your life? Welcome to the world of honoring contracts with the military. You knew full well what the possibilities were when you signed up. Never going to be called up? Never say never, especially in a time of war. Expect a normal life? Are you saying the military is forcing you not to have a normal life? You signed the contract, so the decision to possibly have your normal life disrupted was originally yours. Receiving checks one day, fighting in a war the next? Hmmmm, goes back to that contract thing, first of all, and my question to you is, if you received no disability rating from the military when you were discharged (which I find unlikely, but possible), and then the VA later increased your percentage to 10 percent, did you bother letting the military human resources know about the disability rating? Did you bother to be responsible enough to ensure the information was forwarded to them? As for the smoking cigarettes part, the way that was worded it makes it sound like the writer of the article blames the military for forcing the poor guy to start such a horrible habit. That was a free choice. I began smoking in the military myself. I smoked for 21 years before I quit. And guess what? I didn’t blame anyone for me starting the habit. It was me that placed that cigarette in my mouth, and it was me that lit the lighter and placed it to the cigarette. No blame game. Personal responsibility. As for being forced to join a unit he is unfamiliar with. . . please, cry me a river. Welcome to the military. The need to adjust to new and unknown situations is a normal occurance in the military. You didn’t figure that out during the time you spent on active duty?

But, hey, not all people are cut-out for the military, so I sincerely hope the military does reconsider sending him back out into the field, because when I was in the military, the last thing I wanted was for my life to be in the hands of a fellow service member that did not want to be there, and therefore was not putting 110% into their duties. Whiners and criers are not fit for military service. Go home, go to school (or whatever it is you are going to do), don’t poison the moral of a unit.

In closing, I do not wish to take away from James Raymond’s service. Fact is, he did enlist, and he did serve in Afghanistan. I thank him for is service, and I appreciate all of our fine service members for the sacrifice they are giving. We all have our way to serve in this effort. Now that I cannot serve anymore due to my own disabilities, I blog and host my radio show on Blog Talk Radio. Others that wish to contribute to this war effort work for, or donate to, resources that support our military and provide services to our military service members. We all have a way to be a part of this effort, and comments by the left that if you support the mission you have to do join the military is idiotic. . . but, that’s when you need to consider the source.

Published in: on April 19, 2008 at 10:56 pm  Leave a Comment  
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A Call From Afghanistan, Because of a Call from Germany

A Call From Afghanistan

Blog Talk Radio recieved a treat during last night’s Political Pistachio Radio Show. Last night on Political Pistachio Radio my guest was Angie Heslen, the Director of Operations for PCS Portico dot com is a resource for the over 400,000 military members and their families that make a Permanent Change of Station each year, as well as a great resource for veteran’s and retirees. PCS Portico dot com offers over 40 categories for business listings, and 75% of their gross revenue flows directly back into the military community through the employment of spouses, veterans, and retirees, as well as donations to several military charities. In fact, donates 10% of each advertisement sale to military charities. The site offers information on local businesses surrounding the hundreds of major U.S. military installations worldwide, and the site provides an invaluable service to active duty military servicemembers and dependents all in one site.

The interview with Angie was informative, and encouraging, and a real treat was added about halfway through the show. Angie Heslen called us from Germany, and her husband is currently deployed to Afghanistan near the Pakistan border. He called into the show to encourage his wife, thank Political Pistachio for having her on, and to say a few words about his deployment and how thankful he and his fellow troops are to members of the New Media like Political Pistachio for our support of the troops and the mission. I feel honored that such fine personnel are out there defending freedom, and protecting America. As I told him on my show, only my disabilities and non-deployable status keeps me from joining these fine men and women of the United States Military. I, myself, am a U.S. Navy Veteran.

And Thursday Night’s show is not the only great one you missed. Recently we have discussed:

The One Year Anniversary of the Virginia Tech Shooting, and the discussions that have resulted,

Globalism vs. Globalization – What’s the Difference?,

The Life of Charlton Heston, and the Importance of the Second Ammendment,

Tibet and China, The Year 2012, The Minnesota School of Islam, The Battle of Trafalgar if it happened today with all of the Political Correctness,

Interview With Walid Shoebat, The Islamic Terrorist that became a Christian,

And what, you may ask, is coming up on Political Pistachio Radio in the future? Well, here are a few of our upcoming shows:

The story that the liberal left has jumped all over of the Honorably discharged vet ordered back to Iraq despite disability; discussing movies “Expelled” (Ben Stein’s documentary about the loss of freedom, and the suppression of any scientific discussion regarding Intelligent Design in Academia) and “Under the Same Moon” (Hollywood’s gift of opinion regarding the illegal alien invasion, unfortunately, this one uses the political hot button of illegal immigration in a cleverly worked tale that demonizes White American Culture, the rule of law, and will be best remembered for the line, “First they screwed the Indians, then they screwed the slaves, and now they’re screwing us Mexicans!” With the surging emotional momentum created by this film that will be most appreciated by those who share its political view, perhaps another overstuffed tale such as this will emerge for the gays too. . .jeeeez!)

Kitty Foth-Regner was a feminist in full and happy control of a god-free life – – but when her mother developed a fatal illness, she set out to determine if there really is a God – – her findings changed her life, and her politics, forever. She is the author of Heaven Without Her: A Desperate Daughter’s Search for the Heart of Her Mother’s Faith.. check out her book, “Heaven without Her.”

Alan Keyes has announced a break with the GOP. He is a conservative, Christian, and Reaganite. . . and his influence in Conservatism is felt accross the board – Join us as we have the opportunity to interview this Great American! Read and learn more about Alan Keyes at Alan Keyes dot com.