T.D. Jakes near-endorses Obama

Mega Church Pastor T.D. Jakes “Got Goose Bumps” watching Barack Obama’s Nomination Acceptance Speech!

A growing number of Christian organizations are speaking out against T.D. Jake’s near-endorsement of Obama.

Interesting that Pastor Jakes failed to mention to his congregation Obama’s support for abortion, or his support for record-breaking tax hikes.

Dr. O’Neal Dozier is an ex-football professional football player (Chicago Bears), lawyer, PhD, and pastor, and he is reminding Americans to not get caught up in the style or persuasiveness of candidates, but rather to examine their fruit and where they stand regarding traditional Judeo-Christian issues, upon which this nation was founded.

Rev. Dozier has said that, “The scripture warns that Christians not be deceived by fine sounding words by false teachers. Obama’s rhetoric is lofty, but his positions are hellish, his speeches are inspiring, but his voting record is infernal. Obama supports abortion, homosexuality, and restrictions of religious liberty.”

Dr. O’Neal Dozier is also a patriotic American that served two consecutive terms in the U.S. Military. Today, he is a nationally known black conservative that has even been invited to The White House to pray with President Bush.

Tonight, Dr. O’Neal Dozier is my guest on Political Pistachio at 10:00 pm Eastern Time. Catch the live show, or the archive later, on Political Pistachio Radio @ www.blogtalkradio.com/politicalpistachio.

Published in: on June 17, 2008 at 1:19 am  Comments (2)  

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2 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. […] Jakes near-endorses Obama unknown wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptMega Church Pastor TD Jakes “Got […]

  2. TD Jake how can you endorse a man by race rather than biblical standards. How dare you use your position on the pulpit and endorse a man, that in fact out of his own mouth is for abortion, homosexuality, and restrictions on religion. This man is being set up as some messiah and your helping him. Better get back on that pulpit and tell the truth.

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